Assigned Reading #5

Chapter 7: The Light Entertainment Industry Brief

"Without a doubt there has been a power shift in the industry. I used to work at EMI, and I worked at Virgin before that. I used to sit in planning meetings and be the very last person to speak--as everyone packed away their pens and were walking out I'd mumble my little bit about trying to put a video online. Today the internet is becoming the hub of the marketing campaign. Everything now hangs off what is happening online." ~Dom Cook.

Components of the Modern Music Industry

  • Rock and Pop (illustration and photography)
  • Classical (dominated by found imagery, usually painting)
  • Hip-hop (dominated by photography and graffiti art)
  • Urban or R&B (dominated by photography)
  • Dance (typography and illustration)
  • Ambient (illustration and photography)
  • Reggae (illustration and photography)

 The Creative Roles Within the Music Industry

  • Label Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Artist and Repertoire (A&R) Manager
  • Creative Director
  • The Design Team

Progression of a Typical Music Industry Commission 

  1. Label selects studio
  2. Research and Development
  3. Visual identity selected
  4. Illustrator is contacted and budget is set
  5. Design team prepares and presents a few ideas
  6. Final design is decided on and prepared for marketing

 Components of the Modern Music Video Industry

  • Pop (film, animation, and illustration)
  • Rock (film, animation and illustration)
  • Hip-hop (dominated by film)
  • Urban or R&B (dominated by film)
  • Dance (dominated by film)

Creative Roles Within Music Video

  • Commissioner
  • Director
  • Artist and Management
  • Film Cameraman and Crew
  • Assistant Director
  • Film Crew
  • Art Director
  • Choreographer and Wardrobe and Styling Personnel
  • Illustrator and/or Animator

Progression of a Typical Music Video Commission

  1.  Commissioner approaches production company with brief
  2.  Film directors approach with written treatment
  3. Company presents pitches
  4. Pitch is selected
  5. Teams are briefed, necessary personnel and materials are acquired
  6. Production
  7. Post-production
  8. Final video is presented, payment is received

Components of the Gaming Industry

  • Sport Games
  • Adventure Games
  • First-Person Combat Games
  • War Games
  • Civilization Games
  • Film Franchise Games
  • Children-Oriented Games
  • Filmic-Genre Films 

The Creative Roles Within the Gaming Industry

  • Artists
  • Level Designers
  • Audio Engineers
  • Musicians
  • Programmers
  • Writers
  • Animators

Progression of a Typical Gaming Commission

  1. Pre-Production: Concept exploration 
  2. Full Production: Make the game
  3. Bug Fixing and Polishing
  4. Submission